How to uninstall 4t Tray Minimizer?
1. Launch the Uninstall wizard of 4t Tray Minimizer
The simplest way is to select Uninstall 4t Tray Minimizer item from its program group.
Other ways to launch the Uninstall wizard of 4t Tray Minimizer:
Windows 10
- On the Start menu, enter Control Panel in the search box and select Control Panel from the results.
- Select Programs > Programs and Features, and then select 4t Tray Minimizer.
- Click Uninstall button and follow the directions on the screen.
Windows 8
- Right-click on the screen at bottom-left corner and choose the Control Panel from the pop-up menu.
- When the Control Panel appears, choose Uninstall a Program from the Programs category.
- Select 4t Tray Minimizer and then click its Uninstall button.
- Click Yes to confirm the program uninstall.
Windows 7 and Vista
- Click Start
- Select Control Panel
- Select Programs
- Click Programs and Features
- Select 4t Tray Minimizer by clicking on it, and then click the Uninstall button.
Windows XP
- Click Start
- Select Control Panel
- Click the Add/Remove Programs control panel icon
- The Add/Remove control panel displays a list of software on your system. Select 4t Tray Minimizer by clicking on it, and then click the Remove button.
2. Follow the steps of the Uninstall wizard
Warning message: Uninstall has detected that 4t Tray Minimizer is currently running
Solution: you have to close the running instance of 4t Tray Minimizer:
- Open main window of 4t Tray Minimizer
- Select Exit in the File menu. If confirmation dialog is displayed, click Yes to confirm.
- Continue uninstalling